An ICANN Account allows you to securely access all your ICANN services and manage your information such as name, email, and password, using only one set of login credentials. Not all ICANN services are currently connected with ICANN Account, but more services will soon be added.
Check your spam and/or junk folder(s). If you still do not see the verification email, contact
Delete Your Data allows your information to be removed from one or more services but still maintains access to your ICANN Account.
Delete Your Account removes your ICANN Account and associated information, as well as your access to all connected services. If you want to download your ICANN Account information, make sure to do so before deleting your account. However, if you want to access ICANN services in the future, you must create a new ICANN Account.
A note about our privacy policies and terms of service:
We have updated our privacy policies and certain website terms of service to provide greater transparency, promote simplification, and align with recent changes in privacy laws applicable to us. Learn more.
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